Your friendly neighborhood BB-insider is back with some charche over a cup of chai! Around this time last year, we updated you about the first cluster of construction at Bhendi Bazaar finally reaching a conclusion, with families coming back to their new premises. A year later today, we may be close to another piece of good news. Or are we?
Last night, your BB-khabri caught some hulchul at around 8:30 PM in Bhendi Bazaar. Some members dressed in whites were spotted around an empty plot opposite to Al Saadah, some debris around them, a truck in sight – but all very khaamosh. What could be so important for them to have been in the area at that hour?
It wouldn’t be a stretch to assume that this hush-hush meeting last night could have been the start of the second phase of construction in the Bhendi Bazaar redevelopment project. It would seem that the truck and the construction debris could be a part of shore-piling for a new cluster. Depending on whether they have the required approvals to start construction on the next cluster, we may not be too far away from the beginning of another phase of construction. It’s now a matter of waiting, and watching how accurate our sources are.
Thousands of bazaaris eagerly await this new phase and all that it brings with it – a new home, a new life, a new future. Our sources tell us that SBUT may have increased the earlier proposed number of clusters from 7 to 9.
Your khabri is still digging around for new information around this latest development – we’ll be back once we know more. Stay tuned!